Banner Cosmetic Production
Cosmetic creation and implementation, of Ritual Night’s Banners and Name Plate.
UI/UX / Asset Management / Unity Implementation
Banners + Nameplate
Banners and nameplates are visual elements that players use to express themselves beyond wearable cosmetics. They enhance the user's chosen style and are prominently featured across various screens.
Asset Break Down
Before development, I took the initiative to break down the assets and standardize the creation of this set of Cosmetics. Post communication, the developers were able to create a scriptable object to streamline implementation.
Unity Implementation
Communicated with developers to create a concise export and implementation cycle. Export all pieces of the assets in TP sheet as banners implementation is dependent on pivot points. Utilized Texture packer to condense asset export and keep consistent pivot points for seamless implementation. Create folders within the build to store all cosmetics split by rarity.
Cosmetic Selection
Banner and nameplate in UI